About Green Code Knowledge, LLC

Peter Kulczyk
Peter Kulczyk has three decades of combined experience as a municipal building inspector, plans examiner, builder, educator, and author. He created Green Code Knowledge, LLC to provide a source where residential builders, designers, code officials, manufacturers, architects and homeowners could find exceptional, comprehensive, logical and thought-provoking training, both on-site and on-demand web-based, based on the prescriptive- and performance-based provisions within the International Residential Code (IRC), International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and various residential green building standards, codes and guidelines.

Military Service:
Peter was a Radar Operator onboard a Frigate while serving in the United States Navy.

Published Works:
Peter Kulczyk is the author of various International Code Council/Delmar Cengage publications, including:
- Building Code Basics: Green; Based on the 2012 International Green Construction Code (ISBN 978-1-1332-8338-6)
- 2006 International Residential Code, Q & A Guide (ISBN 978-1-58001-666-9)
- Conventional Construction Provisions of the 2009 International Residential Code (ISBN 978-1-16098-9306)
- 2009 Green Residential Building Study Companion (ISBN 978-1-58001-8739)
- 2009 International Residential Code, Q & A Guide (ISBN 978-1-58001-9682)
- 2012 International Energy Conservation Code Study Companion (co-authored by Eric Makela, Don Sivigny & Peter Kulczyk) (ISBN 978-1-60983-162-2)